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interning in barcelona

After finishing her freshman year of college, Anya lived in Barcelona for two months where she interned at Inlea, a business developement service, and their client Waital, a film-tech company.

Anya worked in a team of seasoned professionals from various fields.

She says,

"Working in a team of people from multiple different cultures was definitely an experience that taught me a lot, and in multiple different ways. There are slight cultural differences that can make a major positive or negative impact if miscommunication arises. Learning these cultural differences and adapting to them was a learning curve for me, but I appreciated every step along the way. One of my original goals when going to Spain was to not only experience but dive into and learn more about their culture and embrace it."

How has your experience abroad helped and broadened your knowledge professionally?

"Working abroad and being able to understand the perspective of others while taking into consideration cultural differences and effectively communicating, made me even more adaptable than I was before this experience, and prepared me for a variety of situations that I could find myself in in the professional workplace. The exposure to different work cultures and professional settings has also broadened my skill set and prepared me for a wide range of scenarios. I have gained firsthand experience in tackling diverse challenges, collaborating with individuals from different professional backgrounds, and adapting to unique work processes. These experiences have equipped me with a versatile skill set that enables me to approach problem-solving and decision-making from multiple angles. Working in Barcelona has also fostered a sense of versatility and resourcefulness that I can bring many different future endeavors, both professionally and privately."


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