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seeds of code

Seeds of Code Inc. © Dec 2017 - Present

Anya founded Seeds of Code with the mission to seed code in girls at an early age, so that as they grow they are taught the important of technology and coding and how it is a tool for their future.

This is the story of Seeds of Code - Why, where and how it began, and what's happened since.

When Anya was eight years old, her family moved overseas as expats to India. Going to school there for a couple of years, volunteering in several different communities, and having transformational experiences at that age opened Anya's eyes to several things - including the lack of educational resources for girls.

When Anya moved back to the USA In middle school, she was introduced to the world of coding, and gradually fell in love with technology. Seeing the power and scope of tech in her life constantly had her thinking about her experiences with kids in various parts of India, where a simple keyboard would have been unbelievable for them to see.

In eighth grade, Anya founded Seeds of Code with the mission to

"seed code in girls at an early age, so that as they grow they are taught the important of technology and coding and how it is a tool for their future."

She founded Seeds of Code with the dream of reaching the girls in India, but an initial intention of reaching as many girls as possible who had the desire to learn but not the means, locally in Seattle. Through several communications and contacts, Anya partnered with Leschi Elementary School in the Leschi area in downtown Seattle to begin teaching elementary girls who showed an interest in tech.

When COVID hit, Anya was contacted by the Kiran Anjali Project to partner with them and teach girls at an orphanage in India. When Zoom became a household name, Anya realized the scope Seeds of Code could have virtually, and began teaching girls in India.

Through the language barrier (you have to code in English even if it isn't your first language!), time difference, technological difficulties, and more, each of Anya's students has created a fully-coded, functional website, from scratch.

She was recruited by Design for Change to speak to other students about Seeds of Code and how they can get involved. She has been a panelist on podcasts speaking about Women in Tech, and dedicates much of her time to supporting and launching programs that advocate for girls' education around the globe.

She continues her work both virtually and in-person. Please contact Anya directly, at

425-625-6646, for more information.


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